Data privacy policy, use of cookies and anti-spam

These terms and conditions of data privacy, use of cookies and spam establish the guidelines and practices of protection of personal data, use of cookies and spam of the Medical Institute of Palm Beach website (“MIPB”, or “we”) generally indicated by the URL “” and its lower level domains (the “website” or “web page”).

Please read these terms and conditions carefully as they will help you make informed decisions about sharing your personal information with us. Although these terms and conditions apply only to information collected through the Website, they are consistent with our policies and practices with respect to the personal information we receive.

1. What is the information we collect?
• Personally Identifiable Information (¨IIP¨) that we receive, among others, through the contact, subscription, registration or other forms that are on the website.

PII includes identification information, contact information, and technical information, among other data:

  • Names and surnames
  • Social media account
    Phone numbers
  • Identity document
    City and country of residence
  • Organization to which it belongs
  • Position in the organization
  • Sector to which it belongs (public, private or civil)
  • Anonymous data related to the behavior of the user during the visit to the web page, be it through cookies, pixels or similar technologies. Among others, we could recompile the time of the visit and the contents visited.
  • Anonymous data related to access tools and your interaction with the website, such as IP address, browser and device characteristics, language preferences or referrer URLs and other technical information.

2. How do we use this information?
The data described in the previous point is used for the purposes of disseminating our activities, projects and calls, as well as to maintain and comply with contractual, legal and transparency obligations that require some type of communication. Part of the data is used as a reference to optimize the relevance of the contents and to guarantee the integrity, confidentiality and availability of the information.

  • The PII is used to contact users in response to requests they have made to MYP.
  • The IIP serves to maintain the relationship with the interested parties of the Medical Institute Of Palm Beach (for example, suppliers, clients or allies) in order to carry out the activities and obligations that are carried out jointly.
  • PII and anonymous data are used to identify whether content is relevant and pertinent to your interests, as well as to identify improvements to our communication channels in terms of user experience and design.
  • The data related to the access tools are used both to identify improvements in the performance of our website, and to guarantee the operation of our site, its security and that of your information.
  • The communications that we use with this data are mainly through, but not limited to, emails, postal mail messages, telephone calls and the dissemination of advertisements on digital platforms.

3. Will your information be shared with anyone?
Medical Institute Of Palm Beach will not sell, distribute, or lease this information to third parties except in accordance with these terms and conditions. For the management of the information collected, MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PALM BEACH relies on services and providers whose privacy policies include clauses that do not allow the sharing of MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PALM BEACH data with third parties unless requested or requested by MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PALM BEACH. indicate an applicable standard.

Reports or summaries may be generated and shared from the data collected, among others, the most visited pages or the number of registered to an event. Being summaries, these reports cannot be used to track an individual person.
We may disclose personally identifiable information or other information collected through the Website in response to legal process or when we believe an applicable rule requires it, for example, in response to a court order, subpoena, or request from a law enforcement agency. an applicable rule.

We may also disclose the information to protect the safety and operation of the Website or the rights of other users of the Website, and to protect ourselves and our members, affiliates, consultants, and vendors, if we have reason to believe that someone is causing or threatening to cause harm or interference with the rights or property of MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PALM BEACH, as well as to protect against fraud.

MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PALM BEACH may share a user’s PII with a third party, if that user expressly requests it. In the event that MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PALM BEACH does not have the means to share this information with a third party, the user may request their data and MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PALM BEACH will deliver it in a standard format that allows its use and consultation.

The sharing of information described above may involve the transfer of your information from a location within the European Economic Area (the “EEA”) to outside the EEA, or from outside the EEA to a location within the EEA. The level of protection of information in countries outside the EEA may be less than that offered within the EEA. We will implement appropriate measures to ensure that your personal information remains protected and secure in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

4. Do we use cookies and other tracking technologies?
Cookies are small data files that are sent to your browser or related software from a web server and stored on your computer or device. Cookies often include an anonymous unique identifier and track and store your user preferences while using the Website, as well as technical information about your use of the Website.

As mentioned in section 1 above, the website and its sub-sites collect anonymous logs during user visits. This may be done through cookies or similar technologies to retain information about you and your use of the Website.
Another technology we use is pixels, which are pieces of code on our channels that allow us to collect anonymous information about the performance of online advertisements and mass mailings, as well as to channel broadcast messages on other platforms such as social networks or the seekers.

5. When do we keep your information?
We retain PII and Anonymous Information collected through the Website for operational, registration, and legal purposes. We will retain PII about you for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in these terms and conditions or our data retention policies, unless an applicable rule requires a longer retention period.

6. How do we keep your information secure?
We protect the security and integrity of the PII we collect by implementing physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and protect the information against loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, due to the inherent nature of the Internet as an open global communication vehicle, we cannot guarantee that any information, whether during transmission over the Internet, while stored in our data systems, or maintained by us, is completely safe from intrusion by others, including from hackers.

This includes information provided to us by email, through direct postings on the Website, or through the “Contact Us” feature of the Website. When providing information through these channels, you should be aware that your transmission may not be secure while it is in transit and that a third party could possibly view the information in transit.

7. What if I don’t want to share my information?
Filling out records and forms on our page is voluntary, and without doing so, users can browse Filling out the forms is necessary to receive electronic newsletters, and certain communications from MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PALM BEACH related to events, calls and other activities.

When browsing the MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PALM BEACH page, the anonymous information described in point 1 above will be collected, which, being anonymous, does not allow specific users to be identified.

If the user is registered for an activity or subscribed to a newsletter, we may send them emails regarding their registration or subscription preferences. In any of these messages, the user may choose to withdraw from the list, thereby canceling their subscription and the data collection derived from it. You can also send us a “voluntary exclusion” request to the email [email protected]

8. Do we collect information from minors?
The Website is not intended for use by minors and we do not knowingly collect or maintain any personal information about persons under the age of 13.

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other applicable data protection laws grant certain rights to data subjects. Generally speaking, you have, or may have, the right (as further set out in applicable data protection laws) to:
• request details of the information we hold about you and how we process it
• delete your personal information or rectify it, if it is inaccurate or if it has been deleted
• restrict our processing of your personal information
• withdraw a previously provided consent to the processing of your personal information
• stop unauthorized transfers of your personal information to a third party
• have your personal information transferred to a third party
• complain about our processing of your personal information to a local supervisory authority

It is important to note that these rights may not be absolute. For example, if you withdraw your consent to process your personal information, we may continue to process your personal information to the extent required or permitted by law, in particular in connection with the exercise and defense of our legal rights or our legal obligations and/or regulatory.

10. Do we update these terms and conditions?
As the website is regularly updated, our terms and conditions may change at any time. Therefore, please review the privacy terms and conditions posted from time to time. Where appropriate, we will notify you of material changes in the way we treat personal information by posting a notice on the website or by sending you an email (if you have provided us with your email address and permission to use it).

11. Is the Medical Institute of Palm Beach compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act?
The CAN-SPAM Act covers all commercial messages, which is defined as “any email message whose primary purpose is the commercial advertisement or promotion of a product or service.”
To send emails, MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PALM BEACH does not use false or misleading header information or subjects. The information sent corresponds to strictly business tasks and does not offer promotions of products or services or commercial advertisements.

12. How can you contact us about these terms and conditions?
If you have questions or comments about these terms and conditions, you can contact us at [email protected], which we will be happy to answer.